Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Week 40 - Countdown

Monday 5 March - 4 days to D date

My book ('the bible') said to be aware of frequent fetal hiccups, 2-4 times a day of more than 10 minutes episode each time, since it might be a sign that the umbilical cord had become tangled around baby's neck (this, and or decreasing fetal activity but my baby has not stopped being active ever). I thought he had a lot of hiccups episodes but I timed them today - he had only 3 episodes but each lasted only around 5 minutes.

Braxton hicks are getting more often tonight and painful. I was not even sure if they are not real contractions when they happened, but they didn't last long enough.

Tuesday 6 March - 3 days to D date

I am still here. It's not happening yet although people started to ring up to check on me. I haven't gained any weight from last week though, which apparently is one of the prelabour signs (either weight gain is slowing down or actually losing weight but with the way I eat, it even surprise me that I haven't put on weight this week. Food turnaround in this household has never been so fast, especially with sweet food like ice cream, chocolate and biscuits!)

Wednesday 7 March - 2 days to D date

Went out with Sharon to her wedding dress fitting, papershop, lunch etc etc to keep myself busy. Not very fun being out when people commenting how big my tummy is, that I must be due anytime soon now (in two days time, actually, if you really really need to know).

Thursday 8 March - 1 day to D date

Probably nesting instinct kicking in, I spent the whole day at home, baking and cooking (and eating the cookies straight away).
No sign yet.

Friday 9 March - The D date

Don't think it's happening today. Had a msn chat with Sinta last night and she asked me if I started dreaming about the labour - and of course I did have the dream after she mentioned it. Not sure if I really felt something but as they are gone in the morning, they must have just been braxton hicks.

Had lunch with Sharon then drove to the doctor. Baby is still in the same position as last week, which is 3 fingers from the pelvic. Scott said, "he kept saying that, did you give him 3 fingers when he's not looking?"

As predicted, baby didn't arrive. All the built-up anticipation had gone away now - I was ready for the pain and the labour but now I am not so sure anymore.

Am starting to feel that he's so stubborn that I might need to be induced eventually.

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